
    • If you want to use Penda, you have to follow these requirements to use the application.
      1. A web server / shared hosting with the following specifications:

      2. MySQL >= 5.5 or the equivalent version of MariaDB

      3. Apache >= 2.4 or Ngnix >=1.20.0

      4. PHP >= 7.4.33 (Recommended)

      5. Download PHP 7.4.33 (For local hosting)

      6. The following PHP extensions must be installed and activated:
      ▪ php-gd
      ▪ php-hash
      ▪ php-json
      ▪ php-mbstring
      ▪ php-mcrypt
      ▪ php-mysqli
      ▪ php-openssl
      ▪ php-recode
      ▪ php-xmlrpc
      ▪ php-zlib
      An up-to-date web browser. We do recommend using either Firefox, Microsoft Edge, the latest version of Safari or any of the other leading browsers around the internet. Please note that since Microsoft introduced Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer is not supported anymore.

      1. First Setup

            1. Download and extract the archive.
             2. Create an empty database on your web server.
             3. Upload the files to your web server, either into a subdirectory or into the public root of the web server.
             4. Make a copy of the ipconfig.php.example file and rename the copy to ipconfig.php
             5. Open the ipconfig.php file and add your URL in it like described in the file.
            • IP_URL=https://
             6. Comment out the first line of the ipconfig.php file by adding a # at the beginning of the line as described in stage 2.
             7. Run the Penda installer from your web browser and follow instructions:

      Once the installer finished, the installation is complete, and you may log into Penda using the email address and password you have chosen during the installation.

      2. Second Setup

      Replace files & test
             1. Copy all files to the root directory of your Penda installation, but do not overwrite the following files:
                  • The ipconfig.php file
                  • Customized templates in the application/views folder
                  • The files for custom styles: assets/core/css/custom.css and assets/core/css/custom-pdf.css
                  • Uploaded images in the uploads folder (e.g., your company logo)
                  • Custom language keys at application/language/COUNTRY/custom_lang.php
                    Hint: An easy way of performing this operation is to upload the whole new Penda version in a different folder outside of your current installation root folder, and copy the above-mentioned files into                the new folder you just uploaded. Afterwards, just rename your current folder to something like my_current_folder_old and rename your new-version-folder with the name of my_current_folder.
           2. Now that the files are placed, it's time to fix the ipconfig.php file.
                   • Open ipconfig.php and comment out the top line in the file by adding a # at the beginning of the first line. The result should be like this:
                   • # <?php exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>
                   • close the ipconfig.php file
          3. Open and follow the instructions. The app will run all updates on its own.
          4. Now that the ipconfig.php file is fixed, moved and protected, it's time to log in and see if everything is working
                  • Log in again and check if everything is working.
                 • If you were using the online payments module, please navigate to // and to the tab Online Payment and disable all payment methods that are not Stripe. Penda, at the moment, supports only Stripe as a payment gateway.

Attached files:

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Gomezyanni kabaghe (2024-03-28 11:31)

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